Monday, June 1, 2009

Chapter 4: Prevention vs. Revenge

What do effective teachers need from the principal when they send a student to the office. Explain the significance of this need.

Identify at least 5 specific teacher behaviors in every teacher's bag of tricks that great teachers never exhibit.


  1. When a teacher sends a student to the office, they need that principal to support the teacher and try to make the student to be better when they leave. This to me is the same as when you go to the doctor. A person wants to be better when they leave. This is not always possible with a student, but as a teacher that is what we want.
    5 behaviors that Great Teachers never exhibit:
    1. arguing with the student
    2. yelling
    3. embarassing the student
    4. sarcasm
    5. responding unprofessionally to a students' behavior which will result in loss of trust from the other students

  2. Great answer Beth! I agree with you 100 percent. It's kind of like taking a child to a tutor. Hopefully some change in learning will take place even if it's in small steps. When I send a student to the office what I really need is to be supported by the principal and for the student's behavior to be somewhat changed.

  3. So true! No matter how angry or disappointed we become with students and/or their parents, we have to be the BIGGER person. It's not always easy! We always have to remember, that others are always watching how we respond to other's behaviors. Did we remain calm? Did we stay respectful? Did we shame them in front of their peers? Children who consistently misbehave have probably been ridiculed, screamed at, or cussed by other adults in their lives. We would not want to go into that category.
    As a principal, I need to know that a teacher who sends a student to the office has tried a variety of tricks.

  4. Before ever going to the principal, a teacher needs to try everything within his/her professional power to take care of the problem.
    The principal needs to know that other measures have been taken and that the principal is the last resort.
    When a teacher calls upon a principal for behavior problems, the teacher needs to feel supported and to feel like something is really going to be done. When the student comes back to the classroom he/she should be a changed student.
    I think many teachers use the principal as a first resort, therefore, the students take advantage of the teacher, because they know nothing will be done to them in the classroom.

  5. As a teacher, the main goal is to figure out why the behavior is occuring and keep it from happening again. Often, we become discouraged and angry and forget that the child is the main focus in behavioral situations. Like Monroe stated, we have no idea what is occuring outside of school and it's not in our control. Sometimes, we are all they have!!
    I believe Beth named at least 5 behaviors we should never exhibit!! Good Job Beth!! :)

  6. Five things great teachers never do:

    1. holding grudges against students
    2. being disrespectful to students
    3. being dishonest with students
    4. changing the rules for "favorite" students (or having "favorite students)
    5. giving up on a student (if at first you don't succeed...)

  7. It's always important for the teacher and the principal to be on the same page when a student is sent to the office. The student should know that the expectations of the teacher mirror those of the principal. Beth and Laurie mentioned some important things great teachers should never do. The only other negative behavior that I could think of is never letting a parent change the way you view their child.

  8. I agree with all of you. We also need to take children to the principal for praise. The lists were all good. Kelly's parent comment is so true. Every child deserves a fresh start each year, regardless of what we may have heard, experienced, or observed about their parents or their siblings. We also need to forget anything we've heard or observed about that child. To be great in the eyes of a child, they have to be believe we think they are great and special.

  9. When a teacher sends a student to the office, the student needs to see that the teacher and principal are on the same page--working together to change this behavior and also giving the student thoughts and ideas for better choices in the future. (My elem. school principal was always thought to have the electric paddle--I am sure some kind of change went on with that--I am also thinking that is one of the five that you wouldn't do today)


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