Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chapters 1 & 2: Why Look at Great? It's People, Not Programs

Why should we look at what great teachers do?

What is it that determines-in the eyes of parents and students-whether or not a school is great?


  1. Parents and students determine the quality of a school based on the quality of a teacher.

  2. Students and parents believe that a school is great if it consists of great teachers. The quality of teachers determine the quality of the school in their eyes!

  3. Perception, perception, perception! If a parent perceives the teacher as a great teacher, then the perception is that the school is great!! I loved the first two chapters of the book. I highlighted several things in my chapters. The first thing was that the best teachers do their JOBS and do them well - day after day, year after year and decade after decade. This goes back to that perception. A parent knows if a teacher does their job and then they feel the school is doing the job it should for their child or children.

  4. Beth, you are so right!! You have been doing such a good job decade after decade!! HAHA! I love you! You are an awesome teacher and all of your parents know it!

  5. Candi, you are so sweet!!! I do love this book also!!

  6. You are all right! FVES has a history of good parent perception. We must continue by doing our jobs day in and day out, year in and year out. That includes constantly seeking to improve at what we do! Keep learning!

  7. yeah yeah yeah. you are all so right.
    "perception" but we gotta keep backing the perception with our actions,respect for kids and parents, expectations and our awesome and energetic teaching!!!
    FVES rocks!!!!

  8. Parents and students think a school is great when they can sense if you (teacher, principal, etc.)truly care for them. You can have the best school, great curriculum and fantastic teachers, but it all boils down to nothing if the parent or student senses a lack of affection, understanding and appreciation on behalf of the teacher or stakeholders. When there is no connection there is no admiration.

  9. We should look at great teachers because nine times out of ten, they are doing something right. They may not get it right for every child the first time, but what makes them great is that they keep on trying. What makes a school great is a lot of great teachers! Teachers that respect each other, that work together, that care about their students and will do whatever they have to to help them be successful.

  10. I loved the first chapter because I think it is so important to learn from the people who are getting the job done right! I have always been eager to surround myself with the best people in my profession - I will sit by them at meetings, ask their advice and bounce ideas off of them so that I can learn as much as possible in order to improve myself. Someday I would love to be one of those people that others will want to sit by, share with and learn from. The only way I know to get there is to constantly reflect and evaluate myself in order to find areas in need of improvement. We should never be intimidated or feel that we are in competition with one another and there's certainly no need to always reinvent the wheel! If somebody else is doing something great then I want to know what it is so I can copy it or put my own personal spin to it according to what will most benefit my students. I agree with all of your statements about what makes parents/students perceive a school as being great. There is so much power in the teacher/student/parent relationship! I love what Jackie said about the connection being there. If they sense that we are just there to clock in and out and "do our jobs" then we have failed to make that caring connection. We need to be fired up about what we do and it needs to show!

  11. I am "piggybacking" (is that a word) off of Beth and Monroe. I know Vestavia has always had great perception with the parents of our community! I think perception goes back to the perception of ourselves. You have to look back and see what you did right as a teacher or vice versa. We at Vestavia always reflect on what we did well and did not do so well and make the corrections to improve. I feel like I can discuss this across grade levels with any teacher at Vestavia and it makes me a better teacher!! Thus, it benefits my students.....I love this most about our faculty -someone is always there to help!!

  12. I believe we should look at what great teachers do because we should always strive to become better teachers for our students. I truly believe that teaching at Vestavia for the past two years has shaped me into a greater teacher. Having all of you GREAT teachers around rubs off…it’s inevitable to become greater when greatness surrounds you! In my short time at this school, I have realized that there is something special that stands out about everyone. Faucett-Vestavia is a one-of-a-kind, successful school because of our teachers. When you walk into the doors of our school, this success resonates from every classroom!

  13. Coming from the perspective of a special education teacher (Gillie and Holly) we whole heartedly agree that great teaching originates from people not programs. Between Gillie and I we can name several passe programs such as Distar. Fortunately we have outlasted the programs!

  14. I think I'm going to like this guy! I'm excited about his emphasis on people. Thinking back to my school days - I remember teachers not programs. If I did remember a program, it's one I didn't like! Teachers definitely make or break a child's year - it's an awesome calling that we should never take lightly! Fortunately at FVES we have a wonderful team of colleagues/professionals with whom we can grow, learn, and move forward. I like what Frick says - I think reflection, collaboration, and confidence are going to be three major keys here.

  15. I just talked with a friend that recently took a new job at a school (in another state), and she was very disappointed in the attitude of the teachers. She had heard in the community that the teachers were negative and now she is also seeing it. I am so glad to work in a setting of positive and effective teachers. I thought of so many of my colleagues when beginning this book. You could walk into so many different classrooms at FVES and see great teachers doing great teaching no matter what program they may be using.--I wanted to tell my friend that her teachers may need a copy of this book ( although they would need to be willing to read it first)


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